Disabled adults are vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. County departments of social services receive and evaluate reports to determine whether disabled adults are in need of protective services and what services are needed
(as required by Article 6, Chapter 108A of the North Carolina General Statutes).
If you have a concern that an elderly or disabled adult is being exploited, abused or neglected, call your county Department of Social Services office.
Johnston County
714 North Street, Smithfield, NC 27577
Phone: 919-989-5300
NC Adult Protective Services - Report abuse of seniors or adults with disabilities.
Calls are confidential.
Abuse/Neglect Referrals: (919) 989-5655
E-mail: James.Moco@johnstonnc.com
The new and revised
Adult Protective Services Tools are now available at:
Social Isolation and Mental Impairment
(such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease) are two factors that may make an older person more vulnerable to abuse
Dependence on the Abuser
for daily care needs, including meals, mobility, and access to funds and medication. And in some cases the abuser is dependent on the victim for shelter, money, and food.
Living with Someone with Mental Health Issues
such as an addiction to drugs or alcohol or who is mentally ill may increase the chances for abuse to occur.
Elder abuse victims may experience shame, fear, embarrassment, anxiety, confusion, withdrawal, and depression.
Source: National Council on Child & Family Violence / Helpguide.org
NursingHomesAbuseBlog.com / StatisticBrain.com/ NYC.gov